2 Storey Side & Rear Extension

Local Council: Lewisham

Appeal Result: Permission Granted

Description: The conversion of the garage to habitable accommodation together with the construction of a single storey side and rear extension, first floor side extension incorporating a mezzanine level and elevational alterations.

Refusal Stated: "The proposed first floor side extension, by reason of insufficient set in from the boundary, insufficient set back from the front elevation and the roof profile, would appear as an over dominant addition which fails to respect the character and appearance and spatial qualities of the host property and semi-detached pair, contrary to Paragraph 124 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019); Policy 7.4 'Local Character' and Policy 7.6 'Architecture' of the London Plan (2016), Policy 15 High Quality Design for Lewisham of the Core Strategy (June 2011), DM Policy 30 Urban Design and Local Character and DM Policy 31 Alterations and Extensions to Existing Buildings including Residential Extensions of the Development Management Local Plan (2014), and the Alterations and Extensions SPD (2019)."

Background: This case was yet another example of a client trying to extend their home due to their growing family needs. By the time this application went to appeal the host property had an extensive planning history with a number of refusals relating to similar proposals. There was even an earlier case for a smaller version of the same scheme that went to appeal which had been dismissed. LSE took a fresh approach with this latest proposal and put forward a solid case based on policy leading the Inspectorate to the conclusion that the appeal should be allowed, thus granting permission.